Contact Us

An online web-shop for Refurbished & Brand New Computer, Laptops &
I.T Accessories/Hardware including Services!

Sales/Order No.: 0915.943.4775 |  Delivery No.: 0910.033.2991

 Contact Person

Sales | Orders: Ms. Genesis 
Mobile# - 0915.943.4775

TechSupport | Delivery: Engr. Ardy Motos

 Mobile# - 0910.033.2991


Skype: engr.amotos

"We are Payment First Basis System"
"Co'z our Business is build on trust
Our trust is build on Faith". 


For Hassle-FREE transaction, follow this procedures: 

1. Contact us via email, ym, fb or text for your item/product order(s),
for us to check the availability of your chosen item.
(For limited stock item, we accept reservation.)
2. Finalize your order and be specific.
3. Send us this information, for shipment details:
Complete Customer's Name (Who will receive the item/product):
Complete & exact address:
Contact Nos.:
4. Proceed to item payments, check info below.
5.  Wait for the shipment control number,
it will be send to you immediately.

PAYMENT Options: 


You can also pay us here:

MotzBiz Marketing @ Paypal

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